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Indelicate Subject of Incontinence

If you roll your cart in any pharmacy section of your supermarket, you'll find an aisle or more of disposable pads and panties. It was I that was seeking them out. I started with the slim ones and graduated to a fuller version. But I began to detest the peel-off strips and the rolling and disposing of them one after the other. Too much waste, there had to be a better way.

Then, I found Knix (Likely short for knickers). Their panty liners are excellent. Sometimes I use them in a double-stack. They're easy to wear with a simple hook closure on themselves. They are easy to wash & reuse. It was amazing the physical relief not dealing with another package to pick up; the strips to toss off and all the toting, rolling and tossing.

I began to dig a bit deeper and found Dr. Eric Berg has several videos on "Female Bladder Leakage" and what specific nutritional things will help. His videos are a must see for anyone with leakage, urgency or any non-optimum health situation. He has over 2,500 videos on a wide scope of health-related topics.

Simply put, Dr. Eric Berg is the Knowledge Doctor. Just put "Dr Eric Berg/the condition you want help with" into your browser, and voila! His style is straightforward with a lot of research behind them and plenty of visuals. His answers make sense from years as a chiropractic doctor. Try one thing and see how it works, then another if needed. Then, sift out what works best for you. Happy discovering.

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